FX Quant > Performance
First, we would like to make one thing clear: making money with Forex trading is not easy. Some facts: According to the Newedge CTA Index, the compounded annualized return of the 20 professional trading programs comprising the index is 4.71%; Warren Buffet made his fortune from 1968 to 2014 by reinvesting profits at 19.7% compounded annualized return; 70% of all mutual funds under perform the S&P 500 Index year after year. If you believe someone is capable to achieve a 100% return each and every year (read the Forex fraud section), before a deadly drawdown of the same, 100% magnitude hits, then you should not consider our trading program. However, if you have more realistic view on the trading business and you are looking for an investment program with solid risk-adjusted returns, we might have solution for you.
Second, when selecting a trading program for investment, please do not be lured by the high annual returns, but rather look for the return-to-risk (drawdown) ratio. Double and even triple digit annual returns are usually obtained by use of excessive leverage, and large drawdowns are the cost that must be paid for such stellar returns - for those who can bear it. We do not believe in such irresponsible, high-adrenaline trading. The objective of our currency trading programs is to seek superior risk adjusted returns (with high Sharpe and Sortino ratio), weakly correlated to traditional equity and hedge fund investments.
By clicking on the links below you can see real trading performance as well as back testing performance of our currently used trading programs, before the start of real trading.
FX Index Arb (FXIA) | FX Quant 11 (FXQ) | FX Basket Quant (FXBQ) | FX/SPQ/VIX Multi Strategy (MS) | SP Quant Strategy | V1, V4 Volatility Trading Programs |
Real Trading | Real Trading | Real Trading | Real Trading | ||
Back Testing | Back Testing | Back Testing | Back Testing | From the Equity-quant.com web site | From the Vol-quant.com web site |
Strategy | Strategy | - | - | ||
Fact Sheet | Fact Sheet | Fact Sheet | - |
The return figures are quoted for a nominally funded account. Since the maximum margin usage does not exceed 5%, accounts can be notionally (partially) funded, with a maximum funding factor of 4. Excess funds can be held in an interest earning account, thus increasing the overall profitability and risk adjusted returns. For example, if trading with Interactive Brokers, iShares' MBS bond fund (MBB), or another fixed income fund can be bought for the same account for more efficient usage of the unused cash.
Performance calculations notes:
1.) Real trading returns are calculated from account statements, by trading nominally leveraged accounts (1X program). We do offer our account statements and performance calculations to potential investors for inspection. On the other hand, back testing results are obtained as output of our back testing software. Due to the proprietary nature of trading algorithms, we do not offer the software itself to other parties. If back testing results (software output) are not acceptable to you, please disregard those results and consider real trading reports only.
2.) Rates of returns are achieved by trading position sizes that, in our opinion, are reasonably sized in proportion to account size. This is what we call a "nominally leveraged" or "1x" trading program, which is rather conservative. A client with higher risk tolerance, looking for higher returns, can assign (in the Monthly Allocation Order) a Nominal Account Size (or "Designated Trading Size") in excess of his account balance. Such notionally funded accounts (1.5x, 2x etc.) would have all return and risk characteristics increased by a factor of 1.5, 2.0 etc. Simply said, a 2x program would grow twice as fast as the 1x program, but also the 2x program drawdowns would be twice as large as the 1X program drawdown. Any target return can be achieved by use of leverage; think of target risk (drawdown) when selecting it.